Famous Birthdays Today

What famous people share my birthday?

Are there any famous birthdays today? I’ve got the bug. Have you got it?    Famous Birthdays Today

Many of us have an undying curiosity about what famous person has the same birthday as we do. As if we think, by osmosis, we may share some of the same talent, looks, skill, smarts, as that famous person.

Maybe whatever made them famous, by being born under the same star, we, too, have that “fame gene.” I sure hope that’s not the case, because I share a birthday with Hitler.

Or, it’s just plain fun to know.

Explore Famous Birthdays Today

It’s not just about celebrities. Famous people include those who have: Invented, achieved, conquered, written and accomplished. In one way, shape or form they have carved out their place in the world with the tool they were given at birth and masterfully wielded it throughout their life to the recognition of all.

Here on BirthdayHub I have put together an extensive list of these well-known folk – and in some cases not that well known. Still, for whatever their contribution to society, they are deservedly considered “famous.”

You will find on BirthdayHub’s Famous Birthdays Today lists: Famous actors, nobel prize winners, famous sports figures, princes and princesses, famous gangsters and everything, as they say, in between.

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Fun Facts about Famous Birthdays Today

You may very well see some interesting facts, connections, and relationships you didn’t know about. For example:

Buffalo Bill, Jackie Gleason and Johnny Cash shared the same birthday.
Actress Dedee Pfeiffer – who starred in Cybill Shepherd’s television series, Cybill, as her daughter, Rachel Blanders – is sister to actress Michelle Pfeiffer.
Who one of the world’s shortest men was and when he was born.

More Famous Birthday Interesting Facts

The number of famous people whose careers were cut short by dying in plane crashes from the 1930s to 2000s: 350

It is sad but interesting to note that on September 11, 2001, three celebrity status people lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon:
David Angell; Creator and Executive producer of Frasier. The plane he was on was hijacked and flown into the North tower of the World Trade Center. On the same flight was,
Berry Berenson: Ms. Berenson was an actress and photographer and wife of actor, Anthony Perkins.
Garnet “Ace” Bailey; a former Boston Bruins Hockey player whose plane was hijacked by terrorists and flown into the south tower of the World Trade Center.
Barbara Olsen; CNN/Fox Commentator. The plane she was on was hijacked and deliberately crashed into the Pentagon.
The year she was born, actress Pamela Anderson was Canada’s Centennial Baby in 1967.
Remember who Lee Harvey Oswald was? Can you believe his cadaver tag sold at auction for $6,600 in 1992?
Calvin Coolidge is the only president born on July 4th, in 1872.
U.S. Presidents: John Adams-1826, Thomas Jefferson-1826, and James Monroe-1831; all died on July 4th in the respective years. Note that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died in the same year on the same day – the 4th of July.
Speaking of presidents of the U.S.: The first person born in the U.S. to later become President was Martin Van Buren.
The only person whose birthday is a legal holiday in all the U.S. is George Washington.
England’s, Queen Anne, outlived all 17 of her children.
While we’re on the subject of queens: At the age of 18, Queen Elizabeth was a mechanic in the English military.

Famous Birthdays Today – Your Turn

Do you enjoy finding out which famous people you share a birthday with? See if you can find your favorite celebrity on the lists to discover when they celebrate their birthday.

Let a birthday guy or gal know who they share a birthday with by writing the names in their birthday card (they’ll think you know everything).

Is there a famous person missing from the Famous Birthdays Today list? Or, have you heard of one that might have passed away but they show as “still kickin’” on my list? Please let me know and I will see to it that it is added or changed as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance 🙂